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About Tocco Toscano

Tocco Toscano unfolds its tale of timeless elegance and functional luxury. With a legacy spanning over three decades, this brand, meaning "Touch of Tuscany," has been an unwavering emblem of craftsmanship and sophistication. Tocco Toscano invites you into a world where style seamlessly intertwines with practicality, a world meticulously curated to cater to your everyday needs.

Embarking on its journey in 1987, Tocco Toscano draws inspiration from a rich heritage that bridges the old and the new. The story begins with the resilient founder, James Lor, who, having acquired the fundamental skills of leather craftsmanship through a rehabilitation program, embarked on a transformative journey. From binding leather bibles to crafting belts, James evolved his passion into a business that would redefine the standards of quality.

The brand's roots trace back to the small workshop in Florence, Italy, owned by Mr. Stefano, the original proprietor of TOSCANO. Infused with a desire to share the intricacies and attention to detail of traditional craftsmanship with Asian consumers, Stefano granted James the licensing rights in the mid-1990s. With this transition, TOSCANO metamorphosed into the renowned Tocco Toscano, symbolizing a fusion of heritage and innovation.

Throughout its journey, Tocco Toscano has showcased its commitment to innovation, consistently seeking affordable alternatives to ensure inclusivity. The brand proudly embraces a vegan-friendly range, utilizing materials such as apple leather to cater to diverse preferences.

The early years witnessed Tocco Toscano's emergence in department stores across Singapore, maintaining the original quality and essence of TOSCANO. Iconic collections like DURAN, Breezy, and Eodia were unveiled, marking milestones in the brand's evolution. Today, under the stewardship of second-generation entrepreneur Joseph Lor, Tocco Toscano stands at the forefront of the industry.

With a newfound focus on expanding its online presence, Tocco Toscano is propelled into the future by a dynamic and diverse team. Joseph Lor, carrying the torch from his visionary father, leads the brand into a new era, ensuring that Tocco Toscano continues to create products that seamlessly blend into your everyday life—allowing you to live easier and carry fashionably.

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