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About The Paper Bunny

The Paper Bunny, a distinguished lifestyle brand, seamlessly intertwines function and aesthetic to craft a purposeful and intentional everyday living experience. With a commitment to positively impact lives through a harmonious blend of form and function, good design, and uplifting sentiments, The Paper Bunny has evolved into a holistic lifestyle brand, offering a curated collection of pieces for intentional living and thoughtful gifting.

The brand's journey began in 2013, focusing on designing stationery that merged positive sentiments with contemporary design, catering to the needs of the modern individual. As the brand's loyal customer base grew, so did the demand for a broader range of everyday essentials imbued with the same heartfelt aesthetic. This natural progression led The Paper Bunny to transform into a full-fledged lifestyle brand, now providing a diverse array of offerings that encompass items to wear, carry, gift, and more.

While the product range continually evolves and expands, the core essence of The Paper Bunny remains unwavering—to inspire intentional living and cultivate an appreciation for life through every encounter with the brand. This commitment is manifested in the meticulous integration of form and function, ensuring that each piece not only serves a practical purpose but also resonates with thoughtful design and positive sentiments.

The founder, Jaime Lee, shares a personal note expressing a deep connection to the themes of intentional living and balance. Through The Paper Bunny, Jaime and the team aspire to enhance the everyday lives of customers worldwide, offering items such as comfortable bags for daily commutes and planners for increased organization and reduced anxiety. The brand's slogans and campaigns extend beyond mere functionality and aesthetics, providing customers with new perspectives to incorporate into their lives.

Underlining its commitment to social and environmental responsibility, The Paper Bunny operates with care for its people, each other, and the planet. Acknowledging imperfections, the brand takes incremental steps towards creating a better world and adopting sustainable practices. The brand's approach is rooted in the belief that a more sustainable lifestyle can be both easy-to-use and aesthetically pleasing. The Paper Bunny actively incorporates recycled and biodegradable materials where possible, contributing to a kinder and more earth-friendly planet.

In essence, The Paper Bunny is not just a brand; it is a philosophy—a celebration of intentional living, thoughtful design, and positive impact woven into the fabric of everyday life.

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