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About Honey Spree

HoneySpree, established in 2011, has established itself as a prominent online gift retailer in Singapore, renowned for catering to various occasions. Delivering over 200,000 gifts annually across the nation, the company prides itself on providing quality gifts without exorbitant price tags.

Distinguishing itself from others, HoneySpree manufactures more than half of its gifts, ensuring unwavering quality by adhering to high standards. By directly collaborating with factories, the company secures quality products at affordable rates, making them accessible to a broader audience.


However, what truly sets HoneySpree apart is its commitment to social impact. Functioning as a social enterprise, it employs underprivileged Stay-At-Home-Mums (SAHMs), granting them the opportunity to achieve financial independence. These dedicated individuals form the backbone of HoneySpree's operations, hand-wrapping each curated gift with care and expertise.The company's overarching mission is compelling: to empower 100 Stay-At-Home-Mums toward financial independence, emphasizing their journey of progress through each gift sold.


HoneySpree's services extend far beyond mere retail, as they specialize in infusing sweetness into corporate events, celebrations, and heartfelt gestures for loved ones. Whether for business or personal occasions, their curated selection caters to diverse gifting needs. Moreover, for those seeking a more personalized touch, HoneySpree offers customization services, ensuring each gift resonates with the recipient on a deeper level.


HoneySpree epitomizes a unique blend of quality, affordability, and social responsibility. Their dedication to providing exceptional gifts while simultaneously empowering underprivileged individuals is both commendable and inspiring. For anyone seeking thoughtful and meaningful gifts, HoneySpree stands as a beacon of sincerity, ready to fulfill all gifting requirements.

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